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The perfect hot chocolate for Advent

The perfect hot chocolate for Advent

The first day of Advent is just a few days away. We love this time of year; amid all the noise and stress, we can step away from it and have a cozy time with our loved ones.

If you need a little Adventhygge in your life, this recipe will make you jump with joy. We hope you try it this weekend and have a great First day of Advent. 

Omnom hot chocolate 

250 g of milk of your choice

30 g of Tanzania 70% chocolate (Half a chocolate bar)

Warm the milk to a boiling point. Finely chop the chocolate and put it in a blender bowl. Pour the warm milk over the chocolate and let it stand for 20 seconds. Then mix it in the blender. You can also use the stove for this process.

Serve with whipped cream.

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