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Zac Efron is back

Zac Efron is back

Zac Efron visits Omnom Chocolate in Iceland for Down to Earth on Netflix

Nearly two years later since our little chocolate world was turned upside down by a little known Hollywood star you might have heard of called Zac Efron, Yeb that guy!

We were in awe over the response the show got as well as our chocolate, but since the airing of the show, we have gained many more chocolate lovers from around the world.

Overnight, this small chocolate factory in the North Atlantic got flooded with questions and requests from curious chocolate afficionados all over the world asking us how they could get their hands on Omnom chocolate.

It was heartwarming to feel all the love people from across the world had for our small chocolate company.

Needless to say Zac Efron’s visit was very kind to our sales but online sales increased over 30.000% and we saw 5000% increase in traffic on our website. Amidst all the chaos of 2020, the Zac Efron adventure was an oasis in the desert.

You can read more about it all here.

Zac Efron explore Iceland and visits Omnom Chocolate

Although the chocolate bar Zac Efron made has not made it into our catalog for obvious reasons (Sorry, Zac), our Coffee + Milk chocolate is one of our best selling bars.

If you haven’t watched the first season, now is the time. Season 2 of Down to Earth will air on Netflix on November 11th, this time around with a focus on Australia.

Zac Efron at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland

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